Initially I was going to paint an army that was focused around the Elohi from the Basilean Range, models can be seen below.
After thinking about what I thought the meta game would be like at the event, I felt that most people would be prepared for the type of list that I was bringing. It was fast and hit like a truck, but with some key rounds of shooting or a savy opponent who would block or manage my charge lanes I would be in some serious trouble.
Now I have three weeks to get my army together, painted, and hopefully get at least one practice game in to see my plan in action.
Here is the list I will be running for the event:
1500pt Abyssal Dwarf w/ Undead Allies
6x Lesser Obsidian Golems 175
Brew of Haste
6x Lesser Obsidian Golems 165
3x Lesser Obsidian Golems 90
3x Lesser Obsidian Golems 90
10x Gargoyles 90
10x Gargoyles 90
10x Gargoyles 90
Angkor Heavy Mortar 90
Angkor Heavy Mortar 90
Angkor Heavy Mortar 90
Angkor Heavy Mortar 90
---Allies--- (no more than 25% of army total)
20x Zombies 65
20x Zombies 65
Necromancer 110
Necromancer 110
Total: 1500
This army is similar to one that I played about a year ago in a local league. So I think it should do okay.
This week I will be assembling the models needed to get this army on the table. One cool thing about Kings of War is that models are not removed on an individual bases when wounded or killed. This allows you to base your units on scenic large bases and makes it really easy to move around the table. This is also great because when playing a massed battle wargame like Kings of War nothing is more depressing than watching a whole unit that you labored over to get blown apart turn 1 and have only a handful go figures left.
Please check out a good friend of mine, Alex Landing, and his company Iron Heart Artisans. They will be making all of the bases for me out of MDF and they make fantastic products and are extremely affordable.

I will be posting up the updates on this project as I go and we will see if I can get it finished in time!
Until Next Time,
Happy Painting - Joe
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