Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kings of War - Clash of Kings Army Update #1

Today my bases came in from Alex over at Iron Heart Artisans and now we have all the pieces to get this army finished.

Here is the overview of all the units that will be in the army.

Whenever I start a new army I like to lay out the units so that I get an idea of how it will look on the table top. This lets me see how large the units foot print is for deployment, movement and overall look.

Just a quick update today, hopefully we will have some models to show off soon!

Until Next Time,

Happy Painting - Joe


  1. I just find it a little sad that so many Abyssal Dwarf armies have no actual Abyssal Dwarfs in them. :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really agree. They are such nice models and so full of character

  4. Yeah they are great models, and if I had more time then I would have some Decimators or Half-breed cav in there.
