Be sure to check out the first two parts of this review if you missed them:
Before we begin lets talk about another built in ability for Kingdoms of Men that is very nice.
Very Inspiring
One of the most frustrating parts for your opponents is when they think they have you out of position and take risks charging units, only to find that you are still within inspiring range. 3" is a lot......well for Kings of War that is.
With a 9'' bubble around your inspiring heroes, you have lots of flexibility. To be honest it is needed, as most of your infantry are in hordes and Knights tend to be the same, so footprints can start to make it hard to stay together.
Lets also not forgot that your in-expensive Army Standard Bearers are also very inspiring, so all around you have the ability to cover much more of your army than you opponents tend to remember.
General 8/10
Really great and bargain priced hero here. For 85 points you are getting 5 attacks at melee 3+ and CS (1). Combined with being very inspiring, and mighty you have the perfect complement for your massed infantry.
Throw this flea market catch on a horse and you a speedy blockade that enemy chaff and units will not be able to ignore and charge through. Don't sleep on these guys, with defense 5 they can take a little while to chew through if you place them right.
General on Pegasus 5/10
Some may disagree but I am not sold here. Losing an attack from the normal general, while gaining flying and US 1 may seem like a no contest, however I say negative. The only reason you would want a combat character like this is to get in and help dish out some damage. However with only 4 attacks I don't like those chances. Yes you could use him late game to contest or claim objectives, but that seems a waste for 135 points.
General on Winged Beast 8/10
Excellent, multi-purpose unit that can go into any list. Biggest advantage for this fella is that he is on a 50mm base, and is only 55 more points than a General on Pegasus.
Easily able to get multiple into a list without losing really much at all, I would more than likely take one in each of my lists. They can accompany your cavalry and setup nasty flank charges, or be able to fly off and setup late game support for infantry based lists.
Army Standard Bearer 9/10
I have yet to play a game with KoM that did not have this guy on the roster. Mount him on a horse, give him the Lute and watch him escort your wood chipper Knight Horde around the table. Excellent choice and almost always makes his points back then some.
Hero 7/10
Similar to the General entry we covered first, with the lack of being inspiring and mighty. While those are big losses, you can very easily add 2-3 of these little torpedoes to the list mounted on horses. They will consistently add combat damage with hitting on 3+ and wont drain your points like a General of Pegasus will. At 65 points I dont see why you wouldn't them on a horse, but having a 40pt hero with CS (1) I guess could be nice.
Hero on Pegasus 7/10
Unlike the General on Pegasus you are getting this guy for 90 points. Again, no inspiring but you are still CS (1) with 3 attacks and US 1. Perfect unit to potentially harass your opponent and hang around for late game objective shenanigans.
Assassin 6/10
Mixed bag on this guy. I have run him in about 5 games and he was OK. My load out saw him have the Wings of Honeymaze and he was fairly good at character hunting. Having duelist with melee 3+, 5 attacks at CS(1), and vicious can be deadly. However with the wings you have a 120 point character that doesn't inspire and does little else.
Fanatic Instigator 5/10
Rating is more based on the lack of use more than experience. Could be another candidate for the Wings of Honeymaze, but again we are at 125 points with limited function. He also inspires nothing, not even Fanatics which is a shame. He's mighty though.....
Wizards 10/10
I feel like a novel could be written on the uses and worth of KoM Wizards. They are the swiss army knife of the list. Right off the bat you are getting a Wizard for only 50 points! 50 points! Considering that you can exchange the Fireball they come with for Lightning Bolt for free, you can have a small battery of shots for under 200 points.
Versatility is the name of the game with these wise magicians. You have access to Heal (3), Bane Chant (2), Wind Blast (5) and both horse and Pegasus as mounts. Hold the phone, we can now turn our super cheap mage into a US 1 scoring piece of chaff? Sign me up!

If you are not sold on it yet, well you're just being difficult.I have run 3 Wizards to great success, one mounted on a horse with Inspiring Talisman, one on a Pegasus with Boomstick, and finally another on a Pegasus with just lightning bolt. Try it you will like it.
Drum roll please........we enter the most exciting piece of the list, and one that I have yet to play a game without.......

There is no wrong way or reason to run The Captain. Mount him on a horse or run him on foot, you should have him......always! What is so great? Lets see what we get for 120 points:
Very Inspiring
Melee 3+
Defense 5
Attacks 5
Rally (1)
Psychological Warfare....I mean Master Tactician
His stat line is normal and what you should expect for this type of character. Rally (1) is going to help your units survive longer and keep them away from those lucking wavers that are bound to happen. We could stop here and I would still pay the points.
But what if I told you that there was more?

Master Tactician is an excellent ability, and don't let anyone tell you different. We all take about number of drops and board control, well no better way to counter act your opponents drops or strategy than this! You will now be able to re-deploy D3 of your units after both sides have finished deploying but before scout moves.
Imagine dropping 2-3 cannons on a flank looking to force your opponent to drop their dragons or precious units on the other side, only to be like "GOTCHA!" and move them. You get the benefit of board control, then you can react to what it is that you opponent has done.
While it can seem like overkill, and sometimes it is, matching this with the Scrying Gem makes you feel like a kid burning ants with a magnifying glass. Will it always work or be worth it? No, but its still fun to try.
One more part to go and that's it. Next up we will talk about allies.
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