Continuing on from my initial post covering the infantry selections of the Kingdoms of Men army list, part 2 will take a look at the cavalry, war engines and monster options.
Knights 7/10
I have developed a love hate relationship with these mounted shiny boys. They are as vanilla as they come, and dont really hope off the page as a must have in any particular army build. As expected with baseline cavalry they come equipped with Thunderous Charge (2), which is great until they are hindered, hit a phalanx or have to endure multiple rounds of combat.
Headstrong is obviously strong, however you are usually purchasing Indomitable Will for these units, which will drastically reduce the once or twice you would even possibly use Headstrong, but I guess its there if it is needed.
One of the upsides to this entry is the fact that a Horde can be taken. Much like we have seen in variations of the League of Rhordia list, a Horde of Knights with Brew of Strength is an absolutely chainsaw. Natural melee of 3+ means that you don't mind making hindered charges with 32 attacks, as the ensuing combats are much in your favor with back to hitting on 3+ and having CS (1). This unit functions much like a hammer and anvil infantry block. Putting out lost of attacks, that are enhanced by buffs like Bane Chant, but also being able to survive with Def 5 and having great nerve of 21/23. The units footprint can take some getting use to, but don't let that stop you from giving them a go.
Most of all, Knights need to have a specific purpose and support elements to help them work. Just throwing a unit into a list and thinking its going to gloriously carry you to battle is not likely.
Mounted Sergeants 5/10
Have not run this unit in any games yet, but I could see some unique builds based around them. Seeing as they are nimble cavalry and are still unlocking options in the list is great. Stat line is average, with a decent number of attacks, and Thunderous Charge (1).
The main draw here is the points cost, you are getting all of the above and US 3 for 150 points. Nimble will allow for more advantageous charge positions, as well as making it easier in the late game to grab objectives or zones.
Mounted Scouts 8/10
Excellent support piece and arguable the best that KoM have outside of Fanatic Troops. Having a ranged attack lets them participate in some part each turn, and having a melee of 4+ makes them a problem with some lucky flank and rear combats.
Nimble allows for out maneuvering your opponent, and helping setup late game objective grabs.
Charioteers 3/10
Much like my rating for Militia, I find it hard to put these units into a list. Horde is the same cost as a regiment of Knights, but with a lower defense and melee. Combined with the larger foot print, same as the Knight Horde, I would tend to just stick with Knights.
Speed 9 is nice, but without nimble I think you will find it hard to get these on the flank and rears where they need to be.
War Engines
Siege Artillery 6/10
Very generic piece of shooting, where you will get decent results. I have not personally played with this entry, but have noticed its use in shooting heavy builds alongside cannons.
Ballista 4/10
Awesome ranged stat of 4+ is nice for war engines, but being that its only D3 damage at piercing (2), chances of significant damage is low. Great for smaller point games as the chip damage is exponentially better against a smaller force.
Cannons 9/10
This is the go to for any KoM player looking to have great effect in the shooting phase. Full battery of 3 cannons can easily make a fine pink mist of the enemies best units. Combining Piercing (3), D3+1, Ignoring cover and Shattering makes this the top choice.
Mammoth 5/10
Having the Mammoth as an option is pretty cool. There has long be a debate as to if a Giant or Mammoth is better off in a list. Now that continues as the Giant has moved to a 75mm base, and the Mammoth has gained Strider (thanks Pizza Jesus).
For me the choice really comes down to preference. Some folks like the consistency of an exact number of attacks, and the more maneuverable base size of the Mammoth. However, the Mammoth is not looking for prolonged combats, as CS (2) will still make combats against Def 6 swing heavily.
Giant 6/10 (Coolest Model ever!)

While still not the greatest use of 225 points, this is my choice for a larger support piece. Unlike the Mammoth, the Giant has the ability to continue to dish out great damage all comers with CS (4), Fury keeps it in the fight where as the Mammoth is Fearless.
Personally I like the larger base size. If I am deploying and moving correctly the large base can cause havoc on the enemy as they try and line up their moves and charges.
All of that said, Giants can flop as much as they shine. The list normally cannot handle two of these dudes clogging up almost 500pts, and one can be at times, underwhelming.
Thanks for the tips! Mounted scouts - do you use troops or the regiment? I have them mounted as troops, only because that was the only option in 2nd edition...
ReplyDeleteI have always used them as troops, but would be curious as to their use in a regiment.