Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hobby Update - Been A Month, I Didn't Die!

I know, your life has not been complete without my daily updates blowing up your feed!

Since my last update, life has hit me right in the face. Gen Con, Kids, school and general adulting has made hobby time sparse, and blog update all but impossible. So what have I done?


Completed my Subject 901, second Aberration and the second 1st Gen Mutant for my Plague!

Kings of War - Abyssals

Still adding some pieces here and there for my ever growing Abyssal army. The latest two are some additional heroes. Flying Efreet and Flying Abyssal Champion.

The Elohi wings are perfect for projects like this and really helped to set the idea I had off!

I also recently picked up a commission for a Herd army at 2,000 points. I have the pieces in and its time to get moving. Here are the first couple of miniatures that I have completed for the client, these are the only non-mantic miniatures that will be used for the commission.

Shaman and Totem Bearer

Brief update with some pictures to keep you occupied! Hopefully I have helped fill the void that you were left with in my update absence.


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