Back with another report on my Kingdoms of Men exploits! This time I came up against Robert Lee and his Order of the Green Lady list inspired by Elliot Morrish's list. This was a fantastic game and Robert was awesome to play against.
Robert wanted to play Invade as it was the current Call to Arms scenario for the week.
Here is what Robert was playing:
Regiment Men-at-Arms Retainers x2
Regiment Order of Redemption x2 (Maccwar's and Brew of Strength)
Horde of Water Elementals x2
Horde Order of Forsaken (J Boots)
Exemplar Redeemer
Exemplar Redeemer on Unicorn x2 (Blade of the Beast Slayer)
Druid (Forest Steed,Tomb,BC)
My list was a little different from last time:
Regiment Shield Wall x3
Pikemen Horde w/Scrying and IW
Horde of Foot Guard w/Maccwar's
Regiment of Knights w/IW and Boots
Horde of Knights w/IW and BoS
Troop Mounted Scouts x2
Army Standard w/Lute
Hero on Pegasus x2 (Staying Stone)
Wizard w/Inspiring and BC
Wizard on Pegasus x2 (Boomstick)
The Captain [1]
This new list gave me two extra drops and a US of 30. This is more scenario driven and so this would be a good gauge for me in terms of scenario, but it was also the first game against Order of the Green Lady.
The Scrying Gem forced Robert to drop 3 units on his first drop, so it was nice to see a quarter of his list drop before I made my first.
Robert went for a strong center with both Water Elemental hordes, then adding his Redemption Knights on either flank supported by Exemplars. His Forsaken lingered in the back field ready to respond to my movement.
I decided to go with two main battle groups, the far left being the Pikes and Foot Guard and the center being held by the Knight Horde and Regiment. All 4 of my Peg Heroes were kept toward my board edge, I certainly didnt need his Redeemers landing behind me and causing issues.
Turn 1
As with most games, Turn 1 was a game of cat and mouse positioning. Robert was cautiously moving up, making sure to not give me any easy targets to single out with my Knights. His list hits like a truck so it was going to be very important on who was able to make the first combat.
My turn was mostly the same, moving up and making sure all angles were covered in terms of flanks and support. Threw a couple of wounds out with shooting. The wounds on the right most Redeemer were removed, my Scouts were not within 18" (I thought there were 24").
Turn 2
Robert again positioned his forces, while some chip damage was being put on, it wasn't enough to make him commit, and his patience was key to this game.
I again moved up to pressure and keeping in mind scenario. Robert's left most Redeemer was angled in such a way I was able to tuck in the mounted scouts for some shots, without worry of being charged. On my right I threw out a Shield Wall regiment, which turned out to be a mistake. The idea here was to clog up the knights and allow me to counter with my own. The Redeemer had the flank which was fine, and if he took it my Scouts would have a lane to work around the back of Robert's army. However, my positioning was done without checking the arc of Robert's Water Elementals......which were in the flank.
Turn 3
Things began to change this turn.
Robert took the flank on the Shield Wall with the Water Elementals taking them off. His Redeemer went in against my scouts and wavered them. His Redeemer on the left went into the other scouts, but only did two wounds and left his flank exposed to the Foot Guard. In the center Robert sent out his Pegasus against my Knight horde, looking to clog them up and strip their TC. The other Water Elemental horde was sent in against the center Shield Wall Regiment but with a poor Nerve roll were not even able to waver them.
My turn was productive. The left side saw me remove the Redeemer with the Foot Guard, and one of Peg Wizards jamming up his Redemption Knights on the hill. In the center I was able to get a cheeky flank on the center Water Elemental horde. By disengaging the Pegasus and pivoting I was able to hit the Water Elementals first and get a flank. JBoot Knights charged out to tie up the Retainers, knowing I was not likely to break them (didnt use Boots) and would make a conga line of units struggling to maneuver.
My big mistake this turn was charging into the flank of Robert's Exemplar Redeemer on the with with my Peg Heroes. 12 attacks on 3's and 4's seemed like a good idea, however the math really doesnt work in my favor. I only did two wounds, and this left my Peg Heroes stuck and gave the Water Elementals a way out of the jam and placing them in a much better position.
Turn 4
In my opinion this was the turning point for Robert and where his early patience was key. He was able to remove my Knights in the woods with the Redeemer on Horse and Redemption Knights. In combination with the Water Elementals beginning to remove my Peg Heroes, this right flank was solidly in Robert's control, and more importantly provided him easy scenario points as he marched into my half of the table.
Biggest mistake I made all game came in this turn. While I was looking great on the left, I under estimated Redemption Knights. My Shield Wall regiment pressed up onto the hill, but was not able to completely block the Knights from charging my Foot Guard, but was confident they would be alright if they were charged. Boomstick wizard contained to move around the back to harass with LB. What he should have done was charge the Redemption Knights, and attempted to remove TC, or at least hop in front like his fallen Wizard buddy to help pin them in and stop a charge on the Foot Guard.

Turn 5
Huge turn for Robert, and a deep learning experience for me lol!
Remember the Foot Guard Horde.........yeah well they are gone. Robert pulled the charge that I knew he would and was able to hit with 18 of 20 attacks, do 18 damage and roll a 5 twice with Inspiring re-roll. If he could see my face. This would really seal the game up for Robert. His Forsaken jumped into the center to attack the Knight Horde with the center regiment of Retainers. This again was a combat that didnt go my way. His Retainers did 5 wounds! and his Forsaken 6, while they did not break or waver me, this was not a good position to be in with another Knight Regiment looking to finish me off even if I managed to remove the Forsaken.
I counter charge the Forsaken with the Knight Horde and The Captain in the rear, and do a measly 8 wounds. They were fine on the nerve cheack.
Turn 6
Final turn and it was not a pretty sight for my side. Horde of Knights was countered by the Forsaken and Retainers. Even with TC gone and wounding on 5's all around, Robert was able to do another 11 wounds....check his dice lol!
The Captain was able to finish off the Forsaken to help stem the bleeding of scenario points for Robert. My Pikes and remaining Shield Wall charge the Redemption Knights, do 7 wounds and don't route them.
In the end the game was a 16-9 victory for Robert and a most enjoyable game.
After Action Report
- Redemption Knights are superb! Very tough, high number of attacks and inspiring. This is a tough unit for my list to handle unless I can make them commit to the Pikes.
- Need to continue to work on my placement of units considering all possible flanks and enemy charges. This is compounded by the fact that I have lost of units so is even more important.
- Not a fan of the Knight Horde in KoM. I think lists like League of Rhordia has the other support and hammer units to help lessen the load of this unit. In KoM there isnt really any other threats that keep the opponent from negating or removing this titanic sized unit.
Current record is not sitting at 9-8 for the army.
Personally I would drop the knight horde and shield wall regiments, getting shield wall troops for chaff on flanks and another knight regiment for getting some sweet pinwheel flanks and not getting in the way when reforming. Other than that maybe use the saved points to grab a couple polearm regiments or fanatic troops for a little extra punching power and US.
ReplyDeleteIMHO the captain is not as good as ppl think, yes his tactician ability SEEMS good, rally is most certainly helpful, BUT you can get a general for cheaper who does an adequate job of filling the same roll and can grab an item... i mean you didnt seem to use his tactician ability anyways which always seems to be the case from what I have read within the community.
TLDR; IMO your list needs an overhaul, sorry for writing a book about it.
Hahahaha, no worries I love the critical analysis. The KoM list is a tough one to do well with consistently. I have played numerous iterations of this list and yes this one did not perform to my expectations. I have a post going up today or tomorrow about a virtual tournament I am playing in and the list I will be using.