Ever since I was a kid I have been fascinated with how great a fully painted and assembled Napoleonic army looks on the table top. I was first introduced to miniatures with 15 mm Napoleonic figures back when I was 12, so they will always hold a special spot in my hobby roots.
Along with Rob Chandler over at Fat Guy and a Paint Brush (http://fatguyandapaintbrush.blogspot.com/) and Brien Dulaney over at Dulanis Miniatures (http://dulanisminis.blogspot.com/) we will be re-creating the Battle of Waterloo in 28 mm with a wide variety of miniatures from different companies. This project will not have a "deadline" as we will all be adding to our respective forces even after we play through the battle itself.
Currently as it stand we will be using the Black Powder rules set that is produced by Warlord Games. They also make a supplement specifically for the time period covering the Battle of Waterloo, Albion Triumphant - Volume II.

Currently we have myself and Brien painting/playing the French and Rob painting the British and their allies.
I just received my first miniatures in from Warlord, French Starter Army (Waterloo):
I had recently did a test model so that I could map out the color scheme and feel for the army:
However with the miniatures in the army set they are all wearing great coats and so I will be spared a lot of the details that were in the test miniature above. This will be nice considering that I will be painting 6 or so units of 36 models initially to get the project started.
That's all for now, please go check out Rob and Brien's blogs, they really do some great work and will be a pleasure to do this project with.
Until next time,
Happy Painting - Joe